Environment Protection Authority licence reporting

Kempsey Shire Council is required by law to conduct regular surface, groundwater and gas monitoring at the Kempsey Waste Management Centre, our Environment Protection Authority (EPA) licensed landfill site on Crescent Head Road. Test results are reported to the EPA and are publicly available.

Kempsey Shire Council publicly reports on:

  • quarterly testing for surface water
  • groundwater monitoring 
  • quarterly methane air pollution monitoring

Monitoring data

Kempsey Waste Management Centre monitoring data

Monitoring locations

Kempsey Waste Management Centre monitoring locations

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Kempsey Shire Council developed the Pollution Incident Response Management Plan(PDF, 6MB) to document the processes it would follow to respond to a ‘pollution incident’ at the Waste Management Centre (licence number 6269).

A pollution incident is defined as ‘an incident or set of circumstances during or as a consequence of which there is or is likely to be a leak, spill or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which pollution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur’.

This plan was prepared as a requirement under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009. 

The aim of the plan and this legislation is to improve the way pollution incidents are prevented, reported, managed and communicated to the general community.