Free mental health resources

Published on 24 March 2021

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This flood crisis has put a strain on everyone in the community and everyone will respond to it in a different way. It is normal and expected for many people to feel stressed and overwhelmed by the events that have occurred.

Make sure you prioritise your mental health during this difficult time. We all have limited financial, mental and physical resources and sometimes we reach our limit.

Recognise when you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, worried or just not like your normal self and reach out to someone. Talk to someone you trust. It could be a family member, a friend, a colleague, your GP or a trusted healthcare provider.

There are also free and confidential services available, listed below. 

If you are concerned about your own mental health or someone you know, you can call the Mental Health Line run by the NSW Department of Health on 1800 011 511. They are staffed by mental health professionals who will ask questions to determine if you or the person you are concerned about needs ongoing mental health care and how urgently it is needed.

They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can put you in contact with the most relevant mental health service for children, teens, adults and older people.

There are also free and confidential emotional support and mental health services available through Lifeline. Reach out anytime on 13 11 14. If you don't feel like talking, you can text nightly, 6pm - midnight (AEDT) on 0477 13 11 14.